So you want to learn Visual Basic eh? Well you my friend are in luck and I am going to try my best to teach you of what I know. Been learning Visual Basic for about 2 weeks or so, but I have caught on quickly thanks to my previous programming learning. Let's begin, What you will need: - Visual Studio 2010 or 2011 A working brain Firstly? What is Visual Basic: It is a programming language released by Microsoft and is used with the Visual Studio toolset. It is the easiest of languages to learn and doesn't require very much programming knoweldge if none at all. Read more about it here - Vocabulary: Spoiler Code - A set of instructions written in a programing language. Fields - A smaller piece of data from a larger collection. Properties - Read and written like fields, but property reads and writes are usually used by Get and Set method calls. Methods - a procedure that is associated with a class. They define what is going on and what is to be executed by whatever instance you're using. Events - It enables a class or even a object to notify another class or object when something of interest occurs. Compile - The process of convering the code into machine language. Compiler - The converter that converts the code into Machine Language and then saves the code as Object code Debug - Take the errors out of the program - or spot them. Object code - Code produced by the compilation of the pgroam. Logic Errors - Mathematical errors in the Logic of the program. These errors usually do not stop the compilation of the program. String - A infinite sequence that are chosen from a set called an alphabet. IE.. ABCDEFGH is an example of a string. Data Type - Classification identifying one of various types of data. Object-Oriented Programming - is a style of programming that relies on data structures or objects and consists of many data fields and methods pushed together to make an interaction. [sup]Last Updated 4/24/2012[/sup] Now we are ready, we will firstly begin our tutorial with Introduction to Visual Basic Objects this is the stepping stone on what you will want to learn first, this will firstly show you what you are looking at and what an object actually is. Words in red.. are your vocabulary words you can look up above at. Introduction to Visual Basic Objects: Spoiler An object you ask? Is basically a structure like a building containing data and basically controls what the code or the data will do. Visual Basic is completely object-oriented programming. Classes and Objects are used A LOT.. I mean I can't even stress how much it is used. A class is an abstract representation of something. An object is a useable example of the thing that the class represents. The one and only exception to these two defintions is "shared class" which are obviously shared and are used in both instances. Fields, Properties, Methods and Events, classes are made of these four things. Fields and properties present what the object contains. Fields are things that can be changed or variables in that they can be both read or set. Properties are retrieved and set exactly like fields, but are implemented using property Get and property Set procedures. Methods represent actions that a certain object can execute or perform. For example? A forum has a new topic button and a cancel button. The forum itself is defined to both of those buttons and depending on which one you click, a different method will be performed for each. Events are notifications, sort of like on Facebook when someone posts on your wall or even here on XPG when someone posts and the shoutbox updates. It is basically just a notifier and is there to let you know what is going on. This concludes the introduction to these. Understanding Classes Spoiler Classes are extremely valuable and important in object-oriented programming because of the fact they allow you to group things, sort of like.. amphibians, you have got your lizards, frogs, and tad poles. They are all apart of a class or a group of things. One thing that animals can't do that the Classes in VB can do is, they can inherit and then re use whatever code you have defined in another class. Visual Basic References Spoiler http://msdn.microsof...w(v=vs.80).aspx - Typograhpic Conventions http://msdn.microsof...t(v=vs.80).aspx - Language Keywords http://msdn.microsof...f(v=vs.80).aspx - Run-Time Library Members http://msdn.microsof...7(v=vs.80).aspx - Keywords and Members by Task http://msdn.microsof...a(v=vs.80).aspx - Attributes http://msdn.microsof...w(v=vs.80).aspx - Constant and Enumerations http://msdn.microsof...7(v=vs.80).aspx - Data Types http://msdn.microsof...7(v=vs.80).aspx - Directives http://msdn.microsof...a(v=vs.80).aspx - Functions http://msdn.microsof...x(v=vs.80).aspx - Keywords http://msdn.microsof...z(v=vs.80).aspx - Modules http://msdn.microsof...5(v=vs.80).aspx - Objects http://msdn.microsof...8(v=vs.80).aspx - Operators http://msdn.microsof...h(v=vs.80).aspx - Properties http://msdn.microsof...y(v=vs.80).aspx - Statements http://msdn.microsof...3(v=vs.80).aspx - XML Comment Tags http://msdn.microsof...6(v=vs.80).aspx - Error Messages Overview of Windows-Based Applications Spoiler Visual Studio 2011 has many ways to develop Windows-based applications that run on users computers. With this one hell of a tool you can create user interfaces by using the forms that it comes with. You may also create Windows service apps by using either Visual as mentioned above or .Net framework version 2.0 Development Kit. Windows-Based applications are built using .Net Framework. Created with these offers other benefits you can access operating system services and it takes advantage of other benefits provided by this wonderful program. Visual Studio has many things such as drag-and-drop controls for windows forms, code-aware editors that read your code as you type to make sure their are no errors, Compilation and debugging, and project management tools to allow you to manage all your files in one set area. Windows forms information: http://msdn.microsof...1(v=vs.80).aspx - Getting Started http://msdn.microsof...b(v=vs.80).aspx - Walkthroughs - Controls This topic will be updated quite frequently as I learn. I appreciate all the help from and <3 -Iamcoolz [sub]Last Updated 4/27/2012[/sub]
Here is a direct download link for Visual Studio ULTIMATE 2010 with working serial for those who want to learn (sorry premium only) http://www.xpgamesav...270#entry121270 PM me and I'll send it to you if you want the program and can't get into premium, because this program is A LOT better than the express or other versions of Visual studio
just as a warning mate,if its premium it shouldnt be shred outside premo i.e via pm etc. just a heads up bro
I appreciate it hax, I posted that with the best intentions where it was on a TUT for learning VB, I was trying to get a good link to Visual Studio Ultimate so people could learn with the best equipment. The download that is in my topic is just the online installer from microsoft just like the one Iamcoolz provided,, only my link was a direct link to Ultimate. and a notepad with a working serial. which I realize I should keep in premium,, but on that note guys just search for the serial as I did and your golden, I was just trying to help people along learning VB with the proper tools. But thanks for reminding me of that
I still feel as if this "tutorial" lacks the basic fundamental of the whole purpose of making a tutorial topic. You can't just feed people the definitions of basic words used in most programming. And expect that to ultimately help them. I personally would remove all the Visual Basic references and add in the basics of understanding how programming works. It seems thats how your topic started, but it eventually went a separate way once you slapped in all the developer network links. It would be more beneficial to the consumer if you explained a variable, and then showed them how a variable works with a code snippet. Example A string can be declared with "string" and then the variable name, such as. Code: string Message = "Hello World!"; Anywhere in the code that we use this variable it will automatically replace the variable with the variables value. So something like: Code: using System; public class Hello { public static void Main() { string Message = "Hello World!"; Console.WriteLine(Message); Console.ReadLine(); } } Would print out the words "Hello World!" in a command prompt because the Console.WriteLine() function prints to stdout of the console. The value inside is what is sent to the console window. So "Message" becomes "Hello World!". We add Console.ReadLine() at the end for the program to wait for user input before it returns 0 (exits). So you see coolz, that is a much more beneficial guide to learning programming. I just taught everyone what a variable is. Without them ever having to leave my post.
your code looks like it was taken out of a visual c# book that I read lol. but all well that book did help. and the code is useful (you can do way more than just that though. but that is the very basics on coding)
That's the whole idea of a HLA language. There is more then one way of coding something. In fact there is dozens of ways of coding the same thing. I don't know C# as I dislike interpreted languages. But figured this would be the easiest for people to understand.