I've never been the greatest coder but back during college I made a few proxies and such, I've recently started again but I can't remember how or if it's possible to have the DLL files load from inside the program. Making it just a single .exe that's easy to distribute?
You can use System.Reflection to load an Assembly (from file path, Resources, etc.) and then get the loaded Assembly's Classes, Methods, etc. Here is an example for using System.Reflection in Visual Basic: Spoiler Code: Imports System.Reflection Namespace ReflectionDemo '//Reflecting on Methods ' GetMethodsDemo Namespace Reflection1 Class GetMethodsDemo Private Shared Sub Main() ' Get name of type Dim t As Type = GetType(Char) GetMethod(t) GetMethods(t) Console.ReadLine() End Sub ' Display method names of type. Public Shared Sub GetMethods(ByVal t As Type) Console.WriteLine("***** Methods *****") Dim mi As MethodInfo() = t.GetMethods() For Each m As MethodInfo In mi Console.WriteLine("->{0}", m.Name) Next Console.WriteLine("") End Sub ' Display method name of type. Public Shared Sub GetMethod(ByVal t As Type) Console.WriteLine("***** Method *****") 'This searches for name is case-sensitive. 'The search includes public static and public instance methods. Dim mi As MethodInfo = t.GetMethod("IsMoving") Console.WriteLine("->{0}", mi.Name) Console.WriteLine("") End Sub End Class End Namespace '//Reflecting on Fields and Properties ' GetFieldsPropertiesDemo Namespace Reflection2 Class GetFieldsPropertiesDemo Private Shared Sub Main() ' Get name of type Dim t As Type = GetType(Char) GetFields(t) GetProperties(t) Console.ReadLine() End Sub ' Display field names of type. Public Shared Sub GetFields(ByVal t As Type) Console.WriteLine("***** Fields *****") Dim fi As FieldInfo() = t.GetFields() For Each field As FieldInfo In fi Console.WriteLine("->{0}", field.Name) Next Console.WriteLine("") End Sub ' Display property names of type. Public Shared Sub GetProperties(ByVal t As Type) Console.WriteLine("***** Properties *****") Dim pi As PropertyInfo() = t.GetProperties() For Each prop As PropertyInfo In pi Console.WriteLine("->{0}", prop.Name) Next Console.WriteLine("") End Sub End Class End Namespace '//Reflecting on Implemented Interfaces ' GetInterfacesDemo Namespace Reflection3 Class GetInterfacesDemo Private Shared Sub Main() ' Get name of type Dim t As Type = GetType(Char) GetInterfaces(t) Console.ReadLine() End Sub ' Display implemented interfaces. Public Shared Sub GetInterfaces(ByVal t As Type) Console.WriteLine("***** Interfaces *****") Dim ifaces As Type() = t.GetInterfaces() For Each i As Type In ifaces Console.WriteLine("->{0}", i.Name) Next End Sub End Class End Namespace '//Reflecting on Method Parameters and Return Values ' GetParameterInfoDemo Namespace Reflection4 Class GetParameterInfoDemo Private Shared Sub Main() ' Get name of type Dim t As Type = GetType(Char) GetParametersInfo(t) Console.ReadLine() End Sub 'Display Method return Type and parameters list Public Shared Sub GetParametersInfo(ByVal t As Type) Console.WriteLine("***** GetParametersInfo *****") Dim mi As MethodInfo() = t.GetMethods() For Each m As MethodInfo In mi ' Get return value. Dim retVal As String = m.ReturnType.FullName Dim paramInfo As New StringBuilder() paramInfo.Append("(") ' Get params. For Each pi As ParameterInfo In m.GetParameters() paramInfo.Append(String.Format("{0} {1} ", pi.ParameterType, pi.Name)) Next paramInfo.Append(")") ' Now display the basic method sig. Console.WriteLine("->{0} {1} {2}", retVal, m.Name, paramInfo) Next Console.WriteLine("") End Sub End Class End Namespace '//Reflecting on Constructor ' GetConstractorInfoDemo Namespace Reflection5 Class GetConstructorsInfoDemo Private Shared Sub Main() ' Get name of type Dim t As Type = GetType(Char) GetConstructorsInfo(t) Console.ReadLine() End Sub ' Display method names of type. Public Shared Sub GetConstructorsInfo(ByVal t As Type) Console.WriteLine("***** ConstructorsInfo *****") Dim ci As ConstructorInfo() = t.GetConstructors() For Each c As ConstructorInfo In ci Console.WriteLine(c.ToString()) Next Console.WriteLine("") End Sub End Class End Namespace 'Dynamically Loading an Assembly ' AssemblyDemo Namespace Reflection6 Class AssemblyDemo Private Shared Sub Main() Dim objAssembly As Assembly ' You must supply a valid fully qualified assembly name here. objAssembly = Assembly.Load("mscorlib,,Neutral,b77a5c561934e089") ' Loads an assembly using its file name 'objAssembly = Assembly.LoadFrom( ' @"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\caspol.exe"); 'this loads currnly running process assembly ' objAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); Dim Types As Type() = objAssembly.GetTypes() ' Display all the types contained in the specified assembly. For Each objType As Type In Types Console.WriteLine(objType.Name.ToString()) Next 'fetching custom attributes within an assembly Dim arrayAttributes As Attribute() = Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(objAssembly) ' assembly1 is an Assembly object For Each attrib As Attribute In arrayAttributes Console.WriteLine(attrib.TypeId) Next Console.ReadLine() End Sub End Class End Namespace 'Late Binding ' LateBindingDemo Namespace Reflection7 Class LateBindingDemo Private Shared Sub Main() Dim objAssembly As Assembly ' Loads an assembly objAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() 'get the class type information in which late bindig applied Dim classType As Type = objAssembly.[GetType]("Reflection.Car") 'create the instance of class using System.Activator class Dim obj As Object = Activator.CreateInstance(classType) 'get the method information Dim mi As MethodInfo = classType.GetMethod("IsMoving") 'Late Binding using Invoke method without parameters Dim isCarMoving As Boolean isCarMoving = CBool(mi.Invoke(obj, Nothing)) If isCarMoving Then Console.WriteLine("Car Moving Status is : Moving") Else Console.WriteLine("Car Moving Status is : Not Moving") End If 'Late Binding with parameters Dim parameters As Object() = New Object(2) {} parameters(0) = 32456 'parameter 1 startMiles parameters(1) = 32810 'parameter 2 end Miles parameters(2) = 10.6 'parameter 3 gallons mi = classType.GetMethod("calculateMPG") Dim MilesPerGallon As Double MilesPerGallon = CDbl(mi.Invoke(obj, parameters)) Console.WriteLine("Miles per gallon is : " & MilesPerGallon) Console.ReadLine() End Sub End Class End Namespace End Namespace
http://www.enigmapro...om/en/home.html The unique technology which allows combining the files used by your application into a single module without loss of efficiency. This function supports all kinds of files, including dll, ocx, mp3, avi, etc.