If you have been playing Advance warfare online with a modded console of any type and get a freeze screen while accessing MP then the problem is youve been account banned. We have verified this with our service mod team ive had 4 accounts with this problem and they all freeze but when making new profile it works for about 10-30 minutes then bans again. The security is so high and causes for you to have a bypass at all times regardless if you are using a modding tool or not. Ive seen alot of tools but i recommend getting Chrome x mods bypass it works and has offline and online aimbot. **XPG has nothing to do with you contacting him about that. So if your wondering why this problem is there you have it.
i have the problem were i click on the xbox live tab and it loads and loads and loads and then eventually says cant connect to the severs at this time please try again later. Do you know why its giving me this message
Yes same iam using chromes bypass right and it keeps loading till it says cant connect so his bypass is either down or my time ran out on his bypass.
nope the only modded console i have is a flashed 360 but i did get my account have a rank and unlock all service done on it. Do you think thats the case.
Hahaha funny lmao but yes i think his bypass is down but not sure. Ill message him real quick Yes your account has been banned you can not play on any type of moddified console without a bypass i think their demon ware detects it asap. Wasnt a big problem till the servers actually came on for the release last sunday
Another thing is i got reset from 15/50 played till level 6 accidentally turned off my xbox because u have to hold the home button down and after that i had the problem
dam because now i just reinstalled the game it worked so i backed out of it went to the main menu and tried again and i got the same message.
It means that you're banned. You'll need a bypass to do anything MP related as you'll be on demonware servers the second you sign into LIVE on the MP menu. This is why you can poke offsets at the main menu. Make a new account, get a bypass, and you'll be good to go!
ok lucky me i have the game backed up on a disc but have payed for on GOD verson of the game so i am not braking the law i was just making sure its safe to play it off the disc so can have the spaced on the HDD for when other games come out that am getting