I've recently started work on a skin that may (not for sure) become the new XPG skin when completed. I just started work on it in the past few days, so it's not perfect, nor near completion. This thread will be updated frequently for those of you who care. Live demo :: http://forumrift.com Most Recent Screenshot :: http://prntscr.com/53hi6b Please leave any suggestion you may have in this thread, and I will do my best to implement them.
http://prntscr.com/51zkz9 Are you referring to that? If so, I was thinking the same thing. It will be done hai:
I feel like this looks very simplistic, not that it doesn't look good but, so far i'm not a fan of the header. Now just to include that you recently started so it's not much anywhere yet I will suggest some stuff you could do for the header. Header Suggestions: -Mash up images relating to XPG Content- Example -Image Filler- Example -Cool shaped header starting from top of page going down- Example Now i'm not saying to copy these, this is just a suggestion and I feel you could do something nice with these headers.
It is in early development, and I like your ideas. One small problem is that I was given a skin concept to work off of, so far I'm matching that concept except I've lightened it a bit and made it seem more sleek. I'm not sure if I will be able to add in your ideas, but I will work something similar. I'm thinking of adding an ajax slider with news in the header by the logo.
Oh Ajax slider, I like that idea. I wasn't aware that you had some guidelines but, whatever it may be i'm sure you will do some good work. As always if you need some help in any areas, you know where to contact me.
Started a quarrel with myself on how I should do the forum category headers, so I want the community's opinion. Option 1 :: http://prntscr.com/52ixde Option 2 :: http://prntscr.com/52ixq3 So, option 1 or option 2?
Let me clear some things up, I'm aware of the brightness. I should have been more specific on what I meant. Not the exact look, but the style. Option 1 = The category header attached to the category. Option 2 = The category header not attacked to the category.
Option 1, that's what I meant when I said it. I like how it's not bolded and it all flows as one. (Connected)
Just made some updates to the category headers, I think they are completed now. I've also designed what the footer blocks will look like. Let me know what you guys think of the changes
could do with a few upgrades really - better background for the main area - the header image is two different colours ( main image with logo is different background colour to rest of the grey / black ) - the header image would look better with some images in there as well across which could be updated by users on a 3 month basis - I'm sure we can come up with something here if its not something your too keen on making. - looks neat and tidy but think that after it has a few different area on it that it will become a little cluttered and too much the same looking down merging all of it to one image. could do with some differing between the subject headers. Hope this helps in some way - anything i can do please let me know.
If you would read my posts on this topic - its not near done. I know all of those problems and they will not be there upon completion, but thanks for the input. Maybe read the other posts next time