Preview PS4 firmware update 4.50 brings external HDD support, UI refresh, custom wallpapers, more. (more)

IH8UALL Feb 3, 2017

  1. IH

    IH8UALL Guest

    he next PlayStation 4 firmware update is adding some long-requested, crucial features.

    Sony recently announced it’s looking for players to test the upcoming PS4 firmware. No details were revealed at the time, but we now know what update 4.50 is going to bring.

    In a blog post, Sony confirmed that invites will begin rolling out today for those who registered.

    As for what’s coming with 4.50, codenamed Sasuke, there’s a whole lot of good news.

    External HDD support

    Finally, Sony is adding support for external hard drives. After taking the update, you’ll be able to store content (including games and add-ons) on any USB 3.0 HDD, similar to what you can currently do on Xbox One.

    HDDs up to 8TB in size are supported, and you’ll even be able to download and install directly to the external storage. Anything installed on the external unit will appear in the Content Launcher of the home screen.

    You can also move content from the internal HDD to the external.

    Custom wallpapers

    Also like on Xbox One, the update will allow you to use any screenshot as a background for the home screen. You’ll have some control over it, too, like adding shadows to text, and dimming the Function Area to make system icons easier to see.

    Quick Menu refresh

    The Quick Menu, which received a decent refresh in update 4.00, will be getting updated again. It will now cover less of the screen, and will let you create and join parties straight from the Online Friends section.

    Previously, you had to open the Party App to manage party invites.

    Simplified Notification list

    The Notification list, which previously had multiple categories on the left, will now be shown in one list. You’ll now also be able to customise which pop-up notifications appear on the screen, and turn off the ones you don’t want to see.

    3D Blu-rays on PlayStation VR

    The update brings support for 3D Blu-rays for use with PlayStation VR. This means you’ll be able to watch 3D movies through the headset.

    Post on PlayStation Network Activity Feeds

    The Activity Feed, available under What’s New, among other places, will now allow you to add content directly to it. You can post text, screenshots, and gifs into your feed.

    You’ll be able to tag games and other PSN users. The Live from PlayStation app will also now show all screenshots shared publicly by users.

    Finally, Sony confirmed that other features coming with 4.50 will be announced at a later date, including the update’s release date.

    SOURCE: VG 24/7
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