lol It was a jasper. silly. Doin too many huh? But it's doing great. Need to get a bigger hardrive though! My laptop & console both are full of games & dlc ect. lol
all i have to say that is over priced go to gamestop buy a pre own and stick and unlocked pcb board and flash it or an xkey way cheaper and done in a couple mintues (yes i know all slims cant be flashed that easy lol buy an phat and your set)
OH YEAH! Trust me man. I used to burn up some HDD space. I have a 2TB HDD thanks to a customer on here! Never been happier! There COULD be an issue with that though. Phats have to be on 14719 to be RGHed. MOST of the consoles that go into Gamestop leave updated. That way they can check if it's been banned or not. At least all the consoles i got from Gamestop used were all running the latest and greatest. So, he couldn't use that Phat for RGH, only flashed for LIVE.