ok so im searching around and around.. i extracted a save file. lets use forza for example ok. i got the save file called forzaprofile. i cant open it cause it says error trying ot open file. file cant be modded? all other files i dragged out says the same thing. i can edit from my usb but i cant save or rehash n resign. what am i doing wrong?? i run as admin n all that but i cant seem to get it right... please help
sorry guys, I didn't understand anything... really... -what I need.. is to put (the RE6 gamesave which I downloaded from here) on my xbox and start playing... -what I did till now... I downloaded the 360Revolution and I bought a usb flash.... what next :sarcastic_hand:
I cant get 360Revolution to work. First of all, i cant download it from this site. The download fails every time So i downloaded it from cnet http://download.cnet.com/360Revolution/3000-2130_4-75713478.html?tag=mncol;1 but that version just starts and sais updating and then nothing happens. Gives a timeout after more than 10 minutes. So, is there some other mirror i can download the software from so that i can be sure i have the correct version. If someone else can download it and maybe put it up on dropbox or somewhere else that would also be great. thanks
I finally got the download to work! 4th try on my 100mbit network. The download just stops at random places in the download But now i finally got it to complete, And after it had updated itself it started up Yay!
I rehash/resigned, but my id info is all a bunch of 0's and so I'm thinking that's why the game is telling me I cannot use save data from another gamer profile. So my issue here is, how do I actually get it to acquire my ID information correctly?
To get your ID's Extract one of your Saves from your USB Device using USB Explorer in 360Revolution. Then Open up Package Manager in 360Revolution and Save your ID's to a Set 1,2 or 3 and then the next time you want to Resign/Rehash your Saves you Download, You can select Set 1.2 or 3 and your ID's will be there!
you mean like this one http://www.xpgamesaves.com/topic/17000-tutorial-how-to-get-your-id%E2%80%99s-and-rehashresign-downloaded-saves/?hl=%20how%20%20rehash%20%20resign or this one http://www.xpgamesaves.com/topic/14711-noobs-guide-to-gamesaving-tut/ all the info is probably out there you just have to search for it. Glad you were able to get it.
why i cant use the program. everytime i use it it always display net framework error dialog. On my pc and laptop (win 7 sp1), on my laptop (win8), every single give me same error. even i have latest net framework 4, 3.5, 3 all is installed still get this error... what's wrong anyone help EDIT : now on my pc it now start to say updating to 2.7.1 (updating? so what i just download from this site isnt the latest version?) but it stuck and say framework error again less more like : %1 is not valid win32 application
try this link http://www.mediafire.com/?odszxlrnf6iul6z my 2.71. also make sure you "Run As Administrator" that might clear up your issues.
Is there a download available for Mac users? If so can you pm me the link. If not would i just have to get a windows pc
I'm in the same spot. How do I take the save file I downloaded and get it to my 360 so I can play it?
the format does not work with gibb save editor. is there a way to convert the save to a compatiable file type? or should i just use another tool?